Norfolk Extra

Christ Lutheran Church, 605 South 5th St, Norfolk, NE.

A complete list of Churches and Pastors

Are you looking for a complete list of Churches and Pastors in Norfolk, Nebraska?

Norfolk Connections is connecting people with local churches. Find churches near you with our easy and printable list of churches in Norfolk, NE. We put together this list to make it easy to find a list of churches. Choose a church from the list, including churches by name, church locations, the religious denomination or affiliation of each church, and the pastor's name and information about the church services and church office. Some churches will allow you to attend online church services. Look for the church that is right for you. 

If you would like to add or update your church information in our Norfolk, Nebraska church directory, please contact us with your name and information. We can help you reach people in Norfolk with your church news or event. All churches in Norfolk can join for FREE.

Last Updated Tuesday, April 06, 2021