Health care you can trust! When you need expert clinical care and a trusted resource for answers and support, you can count on Heckert Health’s nurse practitioners to treat you like one of our own. We do direct and cash pay for those who have no insurance. Located in Norfolk, Nebraska, Heckert Health is a general family practice specializing in preventive health. It’s important to be proactive about your health at any age. Our nurse practitioners offer routine check-ups, wellness exams and sports physicals, as well as specialized screenings to prevent or catch conditions before they become serious. Ask us about chronic condition management. Whether you or a loved one is dealing with asthma, diabetes, hypertension or another persistent illness, our certified family nurse practitioners provide personalized treatment plans and coordinated care. We also educate you with self-care strategies to manage your illness. And, finally we specialize in seasonal support. With the new seasons brings new opportunities for family time—along with illnesses looking to spoil the fun. We protect you and your loved ones with strategies to protect from flu, allergies, and colds.